Christina Lin,加拿大温哥华开发人员
Christina is available for hire
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Christina Lin

Verified Expert  in Engineering

Quality Assurance Engineer and Developer

Vancouver, BC, Canada
Toptal Member Since
March 6, 2018

Christina是一名高级QA工程师,在测试自动化方面具有专业知识, test management, 以及对网络和移动应用程序的手动测试. 她在几个项目中使用Selenium WebDriver从头创建了测试自动化框架,并使用REST-assured和Postman自动化了API测试. 在私营和公共部门都有工作经验, Christina has worked with large, medium-size, and small startup companies.


Clients (via Toptal)
Git, Xcode, Swift, Java, Python, Selenium WebDriver, Appium, QA Automation...
Jira, TestRail, Git, Apache Maven, TestNG, Java, Appium, Selenium WebDriver...
pgAdmin, Postman, Swagger, TestLink, Bamboo, Subversion (SVN), Git, SQL, TestNG...




Preferred Environment

Windows, MacOS, .NET, Python, Java, Jira, iOS

The most amazing...

...我所做的项目是使用Selenium开发一个自己的测试自动化框架. 它帮助将手工测试时间从四天减少到一天!

Work Experience

QA Automation Engineer

2018 - PRESENT
Clients (via Toptal)
  • 使用Appium和Python为原生android和iOS移动应用开发自动化测试.
  • 使用Selenium WebDriver和Java从头开始为加密货币web应用程序构建测试自动化框架.
  • 对原生Android和iOS应用进行手动测试.
  • 为移动应用程序创建测试用例,供内部和外部测试人员在回归测试期间使用.
Technologies: Git, Xcode, Swift, Java, Python, Selenium WebDriver, Appium, QA Automation, SDET, Quality Assurance (QA), Software Development, Automated Testing, Mobile Apps, XCUITest, Agile Sprints, Test Scripting, Test Automation Engineer, Android Testing, Selenium, Jira, iOS, Android, Jenkins, Python 3, GitHub, QA Testing, Regression Testing, Integration Testing, System Testing, Exploratory Testing, Test Case Execution, Test Case Creation, Software Testing Lifecycle (STLC), Test Analysis, Website QA, Website Testing, Web App Testing, Web-based Testing, Black Box Testing, Test Automation Frameworks, Automated UI Testing, Selenium PageFactory, UI Automation, Software QA, Manual QA, Software Development Lifecycle (SDLC), Test Cases, Agile Software Testing, Selenium Page Object, White Box Testing, Mobile App Testing, Software Testing, Functional Testing, E2E Testing, Testing, Test Automation, Selenium API, Unit Testing, Eclipse IDE, Confluence, Mobile Device QA Automation, JSON, WebDriver, UI Testing, Smoke Testing, Test Scenarios, Manual Testing, XPath

QA Automation Engineer

2017 - 2018
  • 使用Selenium WebDriver和Java从头开始构建和维护整个测试自动化框架, TestNG, ExtentReports, and Maven.
  • 自动化和维护web回归测试用例.
  • 向涉众提供测试自动化框架演示和测试覆盖进度报告.
  • 对nCrypt的比特币和比特币现金交换web应用程序进行手动测试.
Technologies: Jira, TestRail, Git, Apache Maven, TestNG, Java, Appium, Selenium WebDriver, QA Automation, SDET, Quality Assurance (QA), Software Development, Automated Testing, Mobile Apps, Test Scripting, Test Automation Engineer, Selenium, iOS, API Testing, Databases, Cryptocurrency, QA Testing, Regression Testing, Integration Testing, System Testing, Exploratory Testing, Test Case Execution, Test Case Creation, Software Testing Lifecycle (STLC), Test Analysis, Website QA, Website Testing, Web App Testing, Web-based Testing, Black Box Testing, Test Automation Frameworks, Automated UI Testing, Test Management, Selenium PageFactory, QA Leadership, UI Automation, Software QA, Manual QA, Software Development Lifecycle (SDLC), Test Cases, Selenium Page Object, Web Service Testing, Software Testing, Functional Testing, E2E Testing, Testing, Test Automation, Selenium API, Eclipse IDE, REST Assured, Mobile Device QA Automation, Zephyr, APIs, WebDriver, UI Testing, Smoke Testing, Test Planning, QA Test Plan Management, Test Scenarios, Manual Testing, XPath

Senior QA Automation Engineer

2016 - 2017
  • 自动化一个保险web应用程序的回归测试套件.
  • 参与测试自动化框架的开发和维护.
  • 为团队成员进行代码审查并提供反馈.
  • 使用个人信息保护法案(PIPA)项目的REST保证API的自动化RESTful服务测试.
  • 执行手动web、数据库和iPhone测试.
Technologies: pgAdmin, Postman, Swagger, TestLink, Bamboo, Subversion (SVN), Git, SQL, TestNG, Java, Selenium WebDriver, QA Automation, SDET, Quality Assurance (QA), Software Development, Automated Testing, Mobile Apps, Agile Sprints, Test Scripting, Test Automation Engineer, Selenium, API Testing, Databases, QA Testing, Regression Testing, Integration Testing, System Testing, Exploratory Testing, Test Case Execution, Test Case Creation, Software Testing Lifecycle (STLC), Test Analysis, Website QA, Website Testing, Web App Testing, Web-based Testing, Black Box Testing, Test Automation Frameworks, Automated UI Testing, Selenium PageFactory, UI Automation, Software QA, Manual QA, Software Development Lifecycle (SDLC), Test Cases, Agile Software Testing, Selenium Page Object, Web Service Testing, Software Testing, Functional Testing, E2E Testing, Testing, Test Automation, Selenium API, Eclipse IDE, REST Assured, JSON, TortoiseGit, TortoiseSVN, APIs, WebDriver, UI Testing, Smoke Testing, Mobile App Testing, Bitbucket, Test Scenarios, Manual Testing, XPath

Test Lead

2015 - 2016
Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat
  • 使用Selenium WebDriver从零开始创建一个测试自动化框架, Python, PyUnit, Protractor, and Jasmine.
  • 为建立在WordPress平台上的政府内部网web应用程序开发自动化回归测试套件.
  • 为项目编写测试策略文档. 收集项目和业务需求,概述所有测试方法.
  • 领导测试工作,并为初级测试人员提供QA培训.
  • 创建和执行网页可访问性(WCAG 2).0) test cases.
Technologies: Wave, TestLink, Git, Unit Testing, Python, Selenium WebDriver, QA Automation, SDET, Quality Assurance (QA), Software Development, Automated Testing, Agile Sprints, Leadership, Test Scripting, Test Automation Engineer, Selenium, Python 3, Protractor, Jasmine, WordPress, QA Testing, Regression Testing, Integration Testing, System Testing, Exploratory Testing, Test Case Execution, Test Case Creation, Software Testing Lifecycle (STLC), Test Analysis, Website QA, Website Testing, Web App Testing, Web-based Testing, Black Box Testing, Test Automation Frameworks, Automated UI Testing, Test Management, Selenium PageFactory, QA Leadership, UI Automation, Software QA, Manual QA, Software Development Lifecycle (SDLC), Test Cases, Agile Software Testing, Selenium Page Object, Software Testing, Functional Testing, E2E Testing, Testing, Test Automation, Selenium API, Eclipse IDE, IE Developer Toolbar, WebDriver, UI Testing, Smoke Testing, Phabricator, Test Scenarios, Manual Testing, XPath

Software Test Developer

2015 - 2015
  • 为一个网络应用程序开发自动化测试,允许用户配置Ecobee的wifi恒温器.
  • 维护自动化环境并排除故障.
  • 每天监控自动化测试结果,并根据需要修复错误.
  • 指导初级自动化测试人员编码标准.
Technologies: TestLink, Jenkins, Subversion (SVN), PyUnit, Python, Selenium WebDriver, QA Automation, SDET, Quality Assurance (QA), Software Development, Automated Testing, Test Scripting, Test Automation Engineer, Selenium, Jira, Python 3, QA Testing, Regression Testing, Integration Testing, System Testing, Exploratory Testing, Test Case Execution, Test Case Creation, Software Testing Lifecycle (STLC), Test Analysis, Website QA, Website Testing, Web App Testing, Web-based Testing, Black Box Testing, Test Automation Frameworks, Automated UI Testing, Selenium PageFactory, UI Automation, Software QA, Manual QA, Software Development Lifecycle (SDLC), Test Cases, Selenium Page Object, Software Testing, Functional Testing, E2E Testing, Testing, Test Automation, Selenium API, Eclipse IDE, Confluence, JSON, WebDriver, UI Testing, CSS, Smoke Testing, Test Scenarios, Manual Testing

Test Automation Engineer

2014 - 2014
Carebook Health Technologies
  • 使用Selenium WebDriver和c#以及NUnit从头开始创建测试自动化框架.
  • 为Carebook的预防性健康管理系统开发web UI测试自动化脚本.
  • 指导海外QA测试人员创建有效且可维护的测试套件,为不同的测试阶段提供最大的测试覆盖率.
  • 使用Visual Studio web性能测试编写性能测试脚本.
  • 在Carebook的SaaS平台上执行功能、回归、web和移动测试.
  • 分析功能规格、需求和工作流程设计.
Technologies: TFS, Microsoft Team Foundation Server, Microsoft Test Manager, Visual Studio, Microsoft Visual Studio, NUnit, C#, Selenium WebDriver, QA Automation, SDET, Quality Assurance (QA), Software Development, Automated Testing, .. NET、敏捷冲刺、领导力、测试脚本、测试自动化工程师、Selenium、c#.NET, QA Testing, Regression Testing, Integration Testing, System Testing, Exploratory Testing, Test Case Execution, Test Case Creation, Software Testing Lifecycle (STLC), Test Analysis, Website QA, Website Testing, Web App Testing, Web-based Testing, Black Box Testing, Test Automation Frameworks, Automated UI Testing, Test Management, Selenium PageFactory, QA Leadership, UI Automation, Software QA, Manual QA, Software Development Lifecycle (SDLC), Test Cases, Agile Software Testing, Selenium Page Object, Software Testing, Functional Testing, E2E Testing, Testing, Test Automation, Selenium API, WebDriver, UI Testing, CSS, Smoke Testing, Test Planning, QA Test Plan Management, Mobile App Testing, Team Foundation Server 2013, Test Scenarios, Manual Testing, XPath

Senior QA Analyst

2013 - 2014
Western Union
  • Analyzed business requirements, UI workflow, 以及数据库设计,用于创建和执行交易监控和警报管理系统的测试用例,以检测监管合规的洗钱模式(PEP), Worldcheck, Dodd-Frank).
  • 设计测试计划和测试用例模板,并创建整个回归测试套件.
  • 执行黑盒和白盒功能、回归、集成、数据库和UI测试.
  • 建立惠普质量中心作为测试管理系统,创建产品发布的可追溯性, business requirements, test cases, test execution results, and defects.
  • 为项目发布提供测试覆盖率和缺陷总结报告.
Technologies: Selenium IDE, VersionOne, Trello, HP Quality Center (QC), SQL Server Management Studio, QA Automation, SDET, Quality Assurance (QA), Software Development, Automated Testing, Test Scripting, API Testing, Databases, QA Testing, Regression Testing, Integration Testing, System Testing, Exploratory Testing, Test Case Execution, Test Case Creation, Software Testing Lifecycle (STLC), Test Analysis, Website QA, Website Testing, Web App Testing, Web-based Testing, Black Box Testing, Software QA, Manual QA, Software Development Lifecycle (SDLC), Test Cases, Software Testing, Functional Testing, E2E Testing, Testing, Test Automation, Salesforce, UI Testing, Smoke Testing, Test Scenarios, Manual Testing


2011 - 2013
Provincial Health Services Authority
  • Performed functional, integration, regression, security, 以及对BC省肾脏诊所和医院使用的肾脏患者信息管理系统进行自动化测试.
  • Managed a team of four testers, defined scope of testing, planned and led project testing efforts, established and standardized QA processes. Developed the test strategy. 参与UAT规划,整理用户反馈.
  • Evaluated, recommended, 并协调测试管理的采购和培训, requirements management, test automation, and bug tracking tools. Set up and maintained all QA tools.
  • 设计的测试计划、测试用例和缺陷模板. Developed test estimations.
  • 确定QA资源需求并参与QA招聘流程.
Technologies: Jira, HP Quality Center (QC), QTP, Java, Selenium WebDriver, QA Automation, SDET, Quality Assurance (QA), Software Development, Automated Testing, Agile Sprints, Leadership, Test Scripting, Test Automation Engineer, Selenium, QA Testing, Regression Testing, Integration Testing, System Testing, Exploratory Testing, Test Case Execution, Test Case Creation, Software Testing Lifecycle (STLC), Test Analysis, Website QA, Website Testing, Web App Testing, Web-based Testing, Black Box Testing, Test Automation Frameworks, Automated UI Testing, Test Management, Selenium PageFactory, QA Leadership, UI Automation, Software QA, Manual QA, Software Development Lifecycle (SDLC), Test Cases, Agile Software Testing, Selenium Page Object, Software Testing, Functional Testing, E2E Testing, Testing, Test Automation, Selenium API, Eclipse IDE, Confluence, User Acceptance Testing (UAT), TortoiseSVN, TortoiseGit, HP QuickTest Professional (QTP), WebDriver, UI Testing, Smoke Testing, Test Planning, QA Test Plan Management, Test Scenarios, Manual Testing, XPath

Software Tester

2010 - 2011
The Active Network
  • Analyzed functional specifications, 为销售点(POS)创建并执行测试用例, payment transaction processing, and event registration systems.
  • 使用Microsoft Network监视器测试了用于从客户机到服务器的支付数据传输的SQL加密.
  • 执行网站无障碍测试,以符合ADA.
  • 向涉众和客户展示新软件特性的演示.
  • 与海外开发人员和测试人员合作.
  • 对现金抽屉进行硬件测试, receipt printers, validation printers, scanners, and webcams.
Technologies: IIS, JAWS, Accessibility, Wave, IE Developer Toolbar, Web Accessibility, Oracle Database, Jira, Microsoft SQL Server, Quality Assurance (QA), Agile Sprints, Test Scripting, Databases, QA Testing, Regression Testing, Integration Testing, System Testing, Exploratory Testing, Test Case Execution, Test Case Creation, Software Testing Lifecycle (STLC), Test Analysis, Website QA, Website Testing, Web App Testing, Web-based Testing, Black Box Testing, Software QA, Manual QA, Software Development Lifecycle (SDLC), Test Cases, Agile Software Testing, White Box Testing, Software Testing, Functional Testing, E2E Testing, Testing, Test Automation, UI Testing, XML, Smoke Testing, Test Scenarios, Manual Testing

Software Developer

2010 - 2010
SAP Business Objects
  • 在Windows和Unix平台上为Business Objects Enterprise应用程序添加和修改了安装特性.
  • 开发了支持不同语言本地化的安装特性.
  • 开发了支持不同类型数据库的安装特性.
Technologies: Visual Studio, C++, QA Automation, SDET, Quality Assurance (QA), Automated Testing, Test Scripting, Software Development Lifecycle (SDLC), Perforce

Software Developer

2008 - 2008
  • 将所有嵌入的测试代码转换为JUnit测试用例.
  • 使用Java开发了一个管理员设置应用程序, JavaScript, Ajax, and SQL that allowed the superuser to add, edit, and delete administrators.
  • Gathered the requirements, then developed the user interface design, 并实现了前端和后端代码.
  • 编写SQL数据库查询,并进行单元和集成测试.
  • 管理与主应用程序的集成.
  • 为已有应用增加删除用户组、过滤用户和搜索用户等特性.
Technologies: SQL, JavaScript, Java, QA Automation, SDET, Quality Assurance (QA), Software Development, Automated Testing, Test Scripting, Exploratory Testing, Software Development Lifecycle (SDLC), Unit Testing, Eclipse IDE, JUnit

Software Engineer

2007 - 2007
MacDonald, Dettwiler, and Associates (MDA)
  • 在c++中实现类,构建一个“桥”,将导航辅助数据从数据库传输到应用程序的前端层.
  • 开发后端代码,将数据交付到UI层.
  • 开发后端代码,将数据交付到UI层.
Technologies: C++, QA Automation, SDET, Quality Assurance (QA), Software Development, Automated Testing, Test Scripting, Software Development Lifecycle (SDLC), XML


作为公司聘用的第一位QA自动化工程师, 我有机会从头开始构建测试自动化项目. 我将Selenium WebDriver与Java、TestNG和Maven一起使用. 我将Log4J用于记录测试步骤和错误堆栈跟踪到日志文件中, 我添加了ExtentReports,用于生成用户友好的HTML报告,以显示测试结果.

我自动化了前端web应用程序中所有关键和常用的工作流, 自动化套件在回归测试期间运行,以减少手工测试的时间和工作量. QA团队特别赞赏这样一个事实,即自动化测试取代了一些涉及数字计算和检查正确现金的最乏味和耗时的手动测试用例, bitcoin, 在应用程序中,客户钱包中的比特币现金余额.

构建一个API测试套件来测试RESTful Web服务

在BCAA,我参与了一个需要web服务API测试的数据标记化项目. 因为我的团队之前没有人做过API测试, 我主动地从头开始构建测试套件. 因为我们是一家Java公司,所以我使用REST Assured Java框架来测试REST API端点.

在创建测试框架和测试用例的初始集之后, 我指导另一个测试人员学习REST服务和编写API测试的编程语法. The project was a success, 整个测试套件每天都在Bamboo中运行, our continuous integration tool.


我被一家政府机构聘为一个全新的敏捷项目的测试主管和QA自动化工程师. 该项目的目的是重新设计和重建内部网,使其能够作为员工的协作和知识共享平台.

在与开发团队进行一些讨论之后, 我们决定用Python构建测试自动化项目,因为它是大多数开发人员熟悉的语言. 我使用Selenium WebDriver从零开始构建测试自动化框架,并对开发人员在每个sprint中生成的所有新特性进行自动化测试.

除了构建整个测试自动化框架之外, I also mentored junior testers, set up, 并且配置了测试管理和缺陷跟踪系统, 为听障人士进行无障碍测试, 并创建测试策略文档提交给高层管理人员.

我们参与的敏捷项目为组织内的其他部门提供了一个开创性的例子, 并且我们经常让同事访问我们的办公室,了解我们如何使用敏捷方法以增量方式成功地交付我们的项目.


Since 2006, 我一直志愿担任英属哥伦比亚大学计算机科学指导计划的导师. 这个项目可以让我回馈计算机科学系,同时为学生的课程和职业方向提供指导. 我不仅发现这段经历是有益的, 这些年来,我也结交了一些终生的朋友.


XPath, Java, Python, CSS, Python 3, HTML, SQL, XML, c++, JavaScript, c#, c#.NET, Swift


Selenium、JUnit、TestNG、Appium、Protractor、Jasmine、XCUITest、Swagger、NUnit、 .NET


Selenium API, Selenium WebDriver, WebDriver, REST API


Confluence, Subversion (SVN), REST Assured, Microsoft Test Manager, TestRail, HP Quality Center (QC), Eclipse IDE, Jira, Zephyr, Postman, TortoiseSVN, TortoiseGit, Bitbucket, Jenkins, Microsoft Visual Studio, Git, Apache Maven, Microsoft Team Foundation Server, Phabricator, GitLab, GitHub, Trello, VersionOne, Visual Studio, TFS, QTP, IE Developer Toolbar, pgAdmin, Perforce, HP QuickTest Professional (QTP), Bamboo, Xcode


Software Testing, Functional Testing, Unit Testing, E2E Testing, Scrum, Testing, Automated Testing, Test Automation, Manual Testing, Agile, User Acceptance Testing (UAT)


Android, iOS, TestLink, MacOS, Windows, WordPress, Oracle数据库,Salesforce


QA Testing, Web Service Testing, Test Automation Frameworks, Smoke Testing, White Box Testing, Regression Testing, Automated UI Testing, UI Testing, Integration Testing, System Testing, Exploratory Testing, Test Case Execution, Test Case Creation, Test Planning, Software Testing Lifecycle (STLC), Test Management, Android Testing, Test Analysis, Selenium PageFactory, Website QA, QA Leadership, Agile Software Testing, Website Testing, Web App Testing, Web-based Testing, Black Box Testing, Manual QA, Mobile App Testing, UI Automation, QA Test Plan Management, QA Automation, Software QA, Software Development Lifecycle (SDLC), Quality Assurance (QA), Test Cases, Selenium Page Object, Mobile Device QA Automation, SDET, Software Development, Test Automation Engineer, Mobile Apps, Leadership, Test Scripting, Test Scenarios, Team Foundation Server 2013, API Testing, APIs, PyUnit, Selenium IDE, Web Accessibility, Wave, Accessibility, JAWS, IIS, Cryptocurrency, log4j, Agile Sprints


数据库,Microsoft SQL Server, JSON, SQL Server Management Studio

2006 - 2009

Bachelor's Degree in Computer Science


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